Trainers and Coaches

Ideal for blended learning

If you’re a training organisation, your clients may be asking you about blended learning. Perhaps they’ve heard about the benefits of combining online and face-to-face learning. You may have thought about creating online training to complement your current business, but perhaps have discovered the costs and complexity involved. Anyway, why re-invent the wheel?

Aptimore is set up to provide you with the online element of your blended offer – and more. Our system offers dynamic training, personalised feedback and guidance, together with an individual development report. All of this makes it easy for you to create really effective blended learning. Take a look at our Resources or get in touch to find out about additional materials we can provide you with.

Harness the Learning Cycle

As a trainer or coach you’re already familiar with the learning cycle – particularly the need to question, reflect on and connect to new learning. Aptimore helps accelerate the learning journey for your clients.

With a blended approach, they’ve already done a whole load of learning online, before they reach you. They’ve done some active learning with case studies and exercises, they’ve had personal feedback, which they’ve questioned and reflected on. They’ve even decided some steps to take to keep moving forward. So, when they’re with you, they’re definitely ready to learn more.

Unusually, because of Aptimore’s personalisation, they’ve all had advice and guidance that’s individual to them. Working with a group, this means they bring multiple informed perspectives back into the training room, so you’ll find it easy to encourage rich, productive discussions.

Great with teams

Aptimore is the perfect tool for working with teams and groups. It’s a gift for facilitators or team coaches who want to create a space for safe, open yet deep discussions.

Your learners arrive in the training room having worked on their self-awareness and thought about the ways in which others are similar or different to them. They’ve digested some incisive content and reflected on the impact they have on others. They can also decide exactly how open they want to be with their personal feedback.

So, with just a little guidance and prompting from you, the trainer or facilitator, they’re able to share, seek feedback and create deeper connections with other members of their team or group. We can provide you with frameworks to use to create productive discussions – so please get in touch.

GUIDE: How To Build Emotional Intelligence In Virtual Teams

Use your own brand

If you’re a training organisation, you might prefer to offer Aptimore to your clients under your own brand. We’re happy for you to do that. Get in touch to find out more.

Great for coaches

If you’re a coach, you’ll find that Aptimore is a great way to bring content into the coaching process.

It’s perfect for a client who is in transition, for instance getting ready to step up and take on a new role. Aptimore helps ensure that they’re getting a broad, holistic experience as well as focusing on their key coaching areas when they’re with you. You can use the content to ensure they’re attaining their key learning goals.

The personalised report provides an independent ‘voice’ that you can bring into your coaching sessions for both you and your client to work with.

Get in touch to find out more about how Aptimore can enhance your coaching practise using the form below.